POINTED eyelash tweezers by NANOLASH
Eyelash tweezers are an indispensable product for both separatin eyelashes and eyelash extensions. They come in handy in any beauty salon that prioritizes the hihest comfort of work. These professional eyelash tweezers are made of the hihest quality stainless steel. They feature exceptional lihtness, which makes them comfortable to use.
Their eronomic and convenient shape ensures they do not strain the wrists durin work, and on top of that, they provide the hihest precision with each movement. This makes both separatin eyelashes and applyin eyelash extensions fast and comfortable. The offer includes various types of eyelash tweezers with special tips, different shapes, and anle derees.
They include sinle-pin and double-clamp tweezers, so they can also be used for all methods of creatin lash fans. Eyelash extension tweezers are an invaluable aid for any lash artist.